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Posted on 9th February, 2016


What we are told as children is that Christmas is a time of giving, being with family and celebrating another year. However, when you’re young enough to believe in Father Christmas, all that’s going through your mind on Christmas Eve is how many presents he’s going to bring you. Christmas is a magical time for children, a time when everyone is happy and the impossible does actually happen. As I’m growing up, it’s weird how Christmas has changed for me. I still love it, because I’m surrounded by the people I love but rather than wondering how many presents I’m going to get this year, I find myself more excited about the look on my sister’s face when I give her a present that I know she’s wanted for months. When we both grouped together to buy our parents a sound bar that was a lot bigger than expected, we had to drag it on buses from Aylesford to home and that is a memory that I will never forget. I’ve come to realise that Christmas isn’t about material things, but about love, shared happiness and memories that will last a life time.


Therefore, I think that during Christmas we should also be thinking about those people who don’t have a family to celebrate it with. For people in these unfortunate circumstances, Christmas is just another day in which they won’t be giving or receiving any gifts. While you’re eating that roast turkey around a big table, spare a thought for those who won’t be doing the same.


I don’t know if anyone else has seen the IKEA Christmas advert, but if you haven’t it’s worth a watch. Anyway to sum it up, children are asked to write two Christmas lists; one to Father Christmas and one to their parents. In their letter to Father Christmas they ask for toys mostly, which is completely expected. However, when they are asked to write a letter to their parents, they ask for things such as being able to play football with them, or spend a whole day with them. When the children were asked which letter they would rather send, they chose the one to their parents. Although this is staged, it is clear that what the children want the most is time with their parents. This is something that is so easy to do, and doesn’t cost anything.


Lastly, I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful time, and are surrounded by family and friends during this amazing time of the year.

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