Harvest Supper 2016
We are very lucky in West Farleigh to have such a charming and accommodating old church in which we can celebrate occasions like the harvest festival.
Preparations to the venue were carried out by Ann and Terry Ayres, Jacky Taylor and her sister, Sue O'Donnell, Samantha, Jill Morgan, David Fox, Brian Cushing and Stephen Norman. The church never looked better or more welcoming.
Lashings of delicious food was brought by parishioners (great pasta salad, Brian!). There was plenty to go round and seconds were enjoyed by many encouraged by Stephen Norman.
There was a quiz, but we were so well entertained by music and magic - well, mayhem, that the sheets were not marked (We got 14/20, by the way. Did anyone beat that?). We did miss the rather eclectic questions that had been set in the past by Tim Hill, but at least we understood all of the questions!
Musical entertainment was provided by the very accomplished and versatile Pete & Co, who revisited the 60s, giving the guests a chance to sing along to some very well known tunes. Great stuff, Pete!
The Great Thrombosis, came on and started with a magic act in which he managed to destroy Gabby King's watch. I'm not sure what the final outcome was. However, it has to be said that the highlight of his act was the fire-free fire eating. It looked chaotic, but it was so well presented. Swallowing a couple of LED torches was different.
On behalf of all the guests I'm going to say a big, big thank you to all those who contributed to the success of evening. Ann Ayres has already had a phone call booking seats for next year!
Thank you!
Chris Stockwell

Ann Ayres and Jacky Taylor, the main movers.

Gabby King, Diane Ward, Paul Bernhardt, Roy, Lyee and Peter King, aka Pete & Co.

Brian Cushing, Terry, David Fox, Pat Lee and Wendy Stockwell.

Helen and David Swan, Tracy Ward, Caroloine, Tia, Amy Ward (nice shoes!0 and Darren Ward.

Feeding frenzy!
Tom Kerridge would have said the food was"Proper lush!" He would have been right.
Thanks again to all those who contributed.

Jill Morgan, Valeria Grainger, Peter and Pauline Mack, Brenda and Larry, Hugh Grainger and Sue O'Donnell.

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