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March 2021

Posted on 16th February, 2021



So, as I write this the ground is covered in snow, the temperature is -2 and the wind is howling. Yet the garden persists it doesn’t faulter it just keeps on going, the  eranthis and hellebores are all flowering. The tulips are already on their way!


If like a lot of people in lockdown you find yourself gazing out of the window at the garden, now is your time to shine take some of this time to look at your garden and decide what you really want from it. Your garden is full of endless possibility whether that be an outdoor entertaining area, wildflower meadow, tropical paradise or even an outdoor gym. Take the time to really consider your gardens variety of uses for the entire family and come up with a plan, if you struggle with inspiration there is plenty of information online or consider hiring a local qualified gardener/ designer. Chances are most of us are unlikely to be going away on a summer holiday, so are gardens this year could be getting a lot of use. Make it the best it can be for you and your family!



In the garden at Smiths Hall we have been busy finishing off the winter rounds consisting of weeding, pruning, training climbers and clearing off every bed. We have planted some new climbing roses that will come into there own in the next 3 years. We plant our roses with mycorrhizal fungi on the root system in a well composted hole. The RHS say Mycorrhizas are beneficial fungi growing in association with plant roots and exist by taking sugars from plants ‘in exchange for moisture and nutrients gathered from the soil by the fungal strands. The mycorrhizas greatly increase the absorptive area of a plant, acting as extensions to the root system.” Next time your planting roses or shrubs give it ago you might find your plants establish quicker than without it. 



During March we will finish off the pruning of shrubs such as buddleja, wisteria and hydrangea. All these plants have a woody framework so depending on how you wish to have the plant will depend on how you prune it. Our buddleja for example have a good framework so will be cutting them down to 2 or 3 buds per structural stem. 

Hope everyone continues to stay safe and happy planning!


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