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May - The end of the frost

Posted on 19th April, 2018

The garden is now in bloom and full of life. Its time to plant up your hanging baskets and harden off your cannas and dahlias by leaving them out during the day and taking them in at night for a week or two. Just keep an eye on the weather and temperature.

Keep track of your climbing and rambling roses as they start to grow as you do not want the new shoots braking off. The same goes for climbers like clematis and sweet pies keep them tied in to a frame work to get the best display and to stop them from splaying out and smothering other plants.


Also look out for pests and diseases. Blackspot on roses can be sprayed with systemic fungicide. Make sure you read the label and spray at the correct time for the most effect.


Try your best to keep on top of the weeding, this will not only make your garden look tidy it will mean less competition for water and nutrients for your other plants which in turn will make your plants develop and grow stronger.


Whilst weeding don't be tempted to clear the foliage from spring bulbs that have finished flowering until the foliage has faded. This will allow the bulb to get the most energy stores for next year.

Now the weather should be warming up, so make sure you water your pots and add a granular fertilizer or liquid feed depending on what is in your pots. All pots will require different amounts of watering each week depending on the plants you have in them. You can get water crystals that store water which should mean you can water them less. They are available at most garden centres.


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